Who We Are
The History Behind us
One day, I was surfing the internet to find some good worksheets and activity workbook for my kids. And I have to search alot in many websites to find out the good content that will really help my kids to learn and grow.
As I have to browse many website for each and every kind of worksheet weather it was activity worksheets, coloring sheets, etc. I was discussing the same thing with my wife and she was also facing the same problem.
We will start a portal where we can help many parents and their kids to get all the major activities worksheets or workbooks from one place. And we started this. Initially it was totally free and now we are charging very pennies for some of the content that will help our teachers to create good content.
Our Vision and Mission
Our mission includes our aspiration to deliver a quality range of kids activities worksheets and workbooks to help them learn and grow in their life. We will be satisfied that we helped at least somewhere in someone's life and our efforts are helping someone somewhere.